Mike Ewan's Story
I had never expected to go to India. I was Pastor of a small church in Whitehead and also working part time for Feba Radio. Through my work with Feba Radio I had the opportunity to visit India on a supporter’s trip in 2004. For part of that time we were in Bangalore in South India and it was during this time I was introduced to Pastor Raja and Jebasheela. I was staying in a hostel called Vishranti Nilyam and because I was a pastor I had been asked to take one of the morning services in the local church. One of the passages I was given to speak on that day was from Mark 10 where Jesus blesses the little children, and I had spoken with passion about God’s care for children and young people and how we need to help them find Jesus not hinder them.
Afterwards a lady, who knew of Pastor Raja and Jebasheela’s work told me about them and asked me if would be prepared to meet them. I agreed. They told me about their work and the burdens they were facing and wondered if there was any way I could help. I really didn’t know, but planned to meet up with them again to see the orphanage when I returned to Bangalore later on the trip. It proved impossible to get in touch with them. Their phone (unknown to me) had been cut off because they were unable to pay the bill. So I went home not knowing what I should do.
My first experience of India had been very challenging and on the way home on the plane I was praying about what I should do about all I had seen and experienced. Very clearly I heard God speak into my mind, “ Help that couple.” “But how? Lord” I asked, “ I don’t even know how to get in touch with them!” Despite this I couldn’t shake off the thought.
Within a few days of returning to N. Ireland I received an email from Pastor Raja and Jebasheela asking if there was any way I could help them. I had forgotten that I had given them a card with my name and email address on it. I shared the story with the church at Whitehead and a number of people gave me some gifts which I was able to pass onto Pastor Raja and Jebasheela. And so I felt my job was done and my responsibility over. However this was not the Lord’s plan. The next month I received some more money from various people for the work, and so I passed it on. The same thing happened the following month, and the next month. Each month God provided something to send to them for their ministry to the children. I couldn’t believe it!
Then they invited Shona and myself to come and visit the orphanage in 2005 and speak at the church for a series of meetings. We were able to do this and it was an amazing time. We came back with renewed concern for this work and a desire to share it with others.
Some more friends went with me in 2006 and we felt there was a need to set up a trust to continue our support for them and so we formed the Rabboni Mercy Trust.
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